
Our services


We specialize in micronization, ensuring that your material is ground to precise specifications, measured in units of micrometers (μm). This applies to both fraction size and final product quality. While the typical input particle size is up to 8 mm, we can accommodate larger sizes if required. Due to the varying behavior of materials, we conduct free initial tests with smaller quantities (in kilograms) to determine basic process parameters.

After successful testing, we will propose contract and pricing terms tailored to your needs. Our capabilities range from handling batches of tens of kilograms to units of tons, with pricing based on the quantity processed.

Homogeneous mixing

In addition to micronization, our micronization line offers homogeneous mixing services. We can seamlessly mix fractions of different sizes or materials. Homogeneous mixing is ialready ncluded in the price of micronization.

For stand-alone mixing services without micronization, pricing is based on the amount of material processed.


Our crushing services provide material processing tailored to your specifications. With the ability to work with input particle sizes up to 400x400x30mm, we can deliver fractions to meet your requirements. Output particle size can be adjusted from hundreds of microns to tens of millimeters.

Similar to micronization, we conduct free initial tests with smaller quantities to establish parameters before proposing contract and pricing terms. Our capabilities range from handling hundreds of kilograms to tens of tons, with pricing based on material volume.

Support for circular economy projects

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to minimize resource losses and maximize the efficiency of resource utilization by promoting reuse, recycling, and renewable energy sources. Instead of the linear “take-make-dispose” model, the circular economy seeks to create a closed-loop system in which products and materials are used for as long and as efficiently as possible.

The circular economy is becoming an increasingly important concept in response to growing concerns about sustainability, environmental protection, and efficient resource utilization.

To help waste generators transition to sustainable waste management practices, we offer the following services:


1️⃣ Sample preparation for testing

We prepare high-quality samples according to your specifications, which is key to successfully assessing the efficient use of waste.


2️⃣ Conducting necessary analyses

We provide precise data necessary for informed decision-making. Our analytical capabilities and expertise ensure you gain maximum insights from the tested samples.


3️⃣ Designing production technologies

We focus on sustainability and seek innovative approaches to production that respect the principles of the circular economy and minimize negative environmental impact. Our experience allows us to propose innovative manufacturing technologies for you.


We are your reliable partner! Contact us today.